1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Lymphoma Lab

Translational and Experimental hematology

1. Establishment and characterization of novel preclinical models of aggressive lymphomas

1.A. Patient-validated lymphoma cell lines (PVLs):

Mantle cell lymphoma: 3 x (UPF1G, UPF1H, UPF7U)

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: 2 x (UPF4D, UPF8D)

Burkitt lymphoma: 1 x (UPF6T)

T-NHL: 2 x (UPF2CH, UPF3P)

1.B. Patient-derived xenograft (PDXs) mouse models

Mantle cell lymphoma: 8 x (VFN-M1-M8)

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: 6 x (VFN-D1-D5, VFN-R1)

Burkitt lymphoma: 1 x (VFN-B1)

T-NHL: 2 x (VFN-T1-T2)

2. Preclinical and translational research

2.A. Experimental treatment approaches

- proapoptotic treatment approaches targeting BCL2 and MCL1 antiapoptotic proteins

- polymere-drug conjugates for the treatment of cancer: HPMA-copolymer-bound doxorubicin and cytarbine, unmodified or conjugated with monoclonal antibodies for targeted drug delivery. Cooperation with dr. Tomas Etrych, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic

- role of angiogenesis in the biology of malignant lymphomas

- mechanisms of drug resistance

- clonal evolution associated with lymphoma relapse / progression. Coopereation with Childhood Leukemia Investigation Prague

- cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in experimental therapy of lymphomas. Cooperation with prof. Miroslav Strnad, University of Palacky at Olomouc


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